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Thing 5: uploading to Flikr

Wow, was this fun! Maybe I do know how to play if I allow myself the time to do it (somehow it seems okay if it's a class mandate!) Anyhow, I took a digital photo, had a co-worker show me how to upload it, then got on Flikr, created an account and uploaded a few. My mind is racing about how we can use this in-house. I already found some Flikr photos of book displays and made a link on this blog; now I have created my own account where I can post photos of the displays that I do so that other branches can see and share ideas/materials. Perhaps we could all share an account and subscribe to the feed so we could regularly see what displays are being created at other branches. One enterprising co-worker already suggested setting up rotating display boxes so that when one branch works hard on a display it can be easily shipped around and shared. This may be a good way to get that if only we could get everyone to USE this cool technology...!


Lesa said…
Gorgeous photo !
- Lesa
James said…
about using flickr in the library--i was at a conference last fall where a library took a photo of their new book displays, posted them to flickr and, when you moused-over a book, it brought up a link to that book in their online catalog and patrons could put holds on those titles.

how cool is that?!?

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